Acutus highlights cardiac mapping software research

Heart rhythm software developer Acutus Medical is highlighting a study of its AcQMap imaging and mapping system that was presented this week at the annual Heart Rhythm Congress in Birmingham, U.K.

A research team led by Dr. Patrick Heck, PhD, of Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, reported that AcQMap, which overlays dipole density signals on an ultrasound-based reconstruction of the left atrial chamber, was able to reconstruct images of the atrium that approached the quality of a CT scan, according to Acutus. In addition, dipole density mapping yielded four times higher resolution of atrial activity than voltage, Acutus said.

The data underscore the potential advantage AcQMap can provide to electrophysiologists during atrial fibrillation procedures, Heck said in a statement. Acutus said it's currently pursuing the European CE Mark for its full suite of AcQMap products.

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