Siemens celebrates 40 years of CT

Siemens Healthcare is celebrating 40 years of CT technological development with a ceremony held at the Siemens MedMuseum in Erlangen, Germany.

In 1975, the company began production of Siretom, its first computer tomograph. In ensuing years, it has introduced new technologies including spiral, multislice, and dual-source CT scanning; in 2013, it launched its latest ultralow-dose scanner, the dual-source Somatom Force system, the company said.

While Siretom took nine minutes to perform a complete head scan back in 1975, now Somatom Force can scan the entire upper body in under one second with an x-ray dose of less than 0.1 mSv -- about the same amount of radiation exposure as an intercontinental flight, according to the firm.

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