Barco joins in European knowledge center consortium

Image display firm Barco said it's participating in InnoLife, a consortium that has recently been named by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) as the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) for a 2.1 billion euro initiative to address healthy living and active aging.

The agency uses KICs to promote research, innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship, and on 9 December, provided its formal support to InnoLife, a consortium of 144 European companies, research institutes, and universities.

Over the next seven years, health partners such as Barco, iMinds, Ghent University, KULeuven, GIMV, Intel, and Philips will be developing products, education, and services aimed at addressing the challenge of demographic change in Europe, Barco said.

The consortium partners will launch a new company based in Munich, to initiate and coordinate the numerous EIT Health projects, Barco said. In addition, regional activities will be organized by colocation centers in Heidelberg (Germany/Switzerland), Barcelona (Spain), London (England), Paris (France), Rotterdam (Netherlands/Belgium), and Stockholm (Sweden/Denmark).

EIT Health expects to launch its activities by the middle of 2015, Barco said.

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