Toshiba debuts subtraction software for CCTA

Toshiba Medical Systems has introduced its SureSubtraction Coronary software, which is designed to improve visualization of the coronary lumen during coronary CT angiography (CCTA) studies.

SureSubtraction Coronary removes calcification and stents from the coronary arteries and also reduces blooming effects caused by calcification, according to the vendor. It can also be obtained with a near dose-neutral scanning protocol; coronary subtraction is performed by subtracting a routine calcium score dataset from a CCTA dataset, Toshiba said.

The software performs atlas-based cardiac segmentation and makes use of both rigid and deformable registration algorithms, the vendor added.

Toshiba said SureSubtraction Coronary was developed in close cooperation with the Iwate Medical University in Japan, leading hospitals in the U.S. and Europe, and Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems in Europe.

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