Fraunhofer plans open house event

The Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Imaging Computing MEVIS in Bremen, Germany, will be hosting an open house on 4 June for interested visitors.

Organized to mark a change in the institution's leadership, the open house will feature technology being brought to market by Fraunhofer MEVIS with other industry partners, as well as research projects and methods that are currently being clinically evaluated, according to the institute.

The MEVIS team will present a sample of its current research and development using interactive demo stations. Topics will include initiatives in cloud- and browser-based software for clinical studies, robot-assisted prostate biopsy, and needle-based tumor interventions with radiofrequency ablation, the institute said.

The open house will take place on 4 June between 12:00 and 17:00 at Universitaetsallee 29 in Bremen.

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