IceCure Medical reveals cryoablation progress

Israeli cryoblation treatment developer IceCure Medical has announced that four early-stage breast cancer patients at a Japanese medical center are the first patients in the world to undergo cryoablation procedures with its IceSense3 system.

The IceSense3 system has been used to treat small breast cancer tumors in a minimally invasive procedure using ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia at the Kameda Medical Center in Kamogawa City, Japan.

The patients are among 30 women enrolled in a clinical trial formally evaluating outcomes from cryoablation that is being conducted by Dr. Eisuke Fukuma, PhD, chairman of the breast center at Kameda Medical Center.

IceSense3 is currently being used worldwide for treatment of fibroadenomas and benign breast tumors, according to the company.

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