MeVis reports profitable year to date

German medical imaging software developer MeVis Medical Solutions has announced that the first three quarters of 2011 were profitable for the company.

The Bremen-based company reported consolidated sales revenue of 3.4 million euros ($4.6 million U.S.), a slight decrease of 200,000 euros ($270,400) for the same time period a year before. Its earnings before interest and taxes were also slightly lower, at 500,000 euros ($676,000) compared with 700,000 euros ($946,400) for the previous year.

MeVis Medical Solutions experienced a decline in sales by 7% in the first three months of 2011 compared with the same time period in 2010. New business with its products DynaCAD Breast and DynaSuite Neuro dropped, while licensing sales in the third quarter were boosted by one-off payments received on the sale of licenses for the lung product Visia Lung-CT and from Siemens for the breast MRT product syngo BreVis.

Revenue from maintenance represented 40% of the total, compared with 33% for the same period the previous year.

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