Fuji promotes digital mammography trial

Fujfilm Medical Systems is reporting favorable results from a mobile breast screening trial of its FDR Amulet full-field digital mammography (FFDM) system at the breast screening unit of Portsmouth Hospitals National Health Service (NHS) Trust.

In a trial designed to evaluate the suitability of Amulet in mobile breast screening units, the system was judged to be quicker and less physically demanding than an analog mobile breast screening suite.

Fuji purchased and refurbished an existing mobile breast screening unit and then equipped it with an Amulet system in April 2011. After the unit was taken to a site where an existing analog mobile breast screening unit was based, it went live in May.

During the trial, approximately 124 women aged 50-70 years were invited for screening at the Gosport site each day. alf Half were examined in the analog suite and half were screened with the Fuji digital unit.

The trial wrapped up in August, and a report will be submitted to the NHS Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP) for publication in early October, Fuji said.

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