Philips launches new digital x-ray units

Philips Healthcare parent Royal Philips Electronics announced the availability of two digital radiography systems, a new release of DigitalDiagnost and European availability of the new MobileDiagnost wDR system.

The Digital Diagnost Release 3.0 is a customizable system integrating a wireless portable detector that can be moved between an x-ray table and vertical stand, as well as used for free exposures. The ergonomically designed system can be used with multiple table designs and vertical stands. Available in single-, dual-, or triple-detector system configurations, the Digital Diagnost Release 3.0 can also be scaled to meet individual application requirements and room conditions.

The Mobile Diagnost wDR has the same image quality of a full efficiency premium digital radiography room. Its 40-kW generator delivers fast exposure times, even for bariatric, pediatric, and critical care patients, according to the company. The unit has five amplimat chambers to reduce the risk of capturing incorrect exposures.

Both units incorporate the company's Unified Image Quality Enhancement (UNIQUE) image processing, an advanced algorithm that harmonizes contrast and enhances faint details.

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