EyeTechCare plans HIFU symposium

High-frequency ultrasound (HIFU) developer EyeTechCare of Rillieux la Pape, France will be holding a HIFU symposium at the upcoming World Glaucoma Congress in Paris.

The session, which will be co-chaired by the president of the French Glaucoma Society and the head of ophthalmology at Tel Aviv University Medical School, will debate subjects such as:

  • The potential of ultrasound as a cure for glaucoma
  • HIFU technology
  • The current glaucoma patient's perspective
  • Therapeutic use of ultrasound circular cyclo-coagulation (UC3)
  • Results of the first human clinical trial of EyeTechCare's EyeOP1 medical device
  • Improvement of the standard of care

The session is scheduled for 30 June from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Palais des Congrès.

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