MRI Insider

When it comes to imaging examinations of the human eye, general radiologists tend to shy away, not feeling totally confident about the organ's complex anatomy and range of diseases.

This situation might well change after prize-winning MRI work was unveiled at last month's RSNA 2015 congress in Chicago. Successful collaboration between researchers in the U.K. and Australia gave the presenters a much sought-after magna cum laude. To learn more, click here.

Radiologists should be aware of the diverse range of MRI features of ovarian lesions. To diagnose this challenging condition, they must regularly update their knowledge levels, Italian researchers explained in a comprehensive overview published last month by Insights into Imaging. Click here for the full story.

MRI-guided radiotherapy involves the integration of 2D observations, and helps a practitioner direct a radiotherapy beam to where it is needed, even when there are critical organs nearby and when the patient is moving -- for example, by breathing. What clinical progress has been made in this area? To find out, click here.

Use of MRI in the Middle East continues to grow rapidly, and the modality is bound to feature prominently later this month at the Arab Health congress, where more than 130,000 attendees are expected. Don't miss our preview article about this event, provided by Dubai-based contributing writer Inga Stevens. Get the details here.

One of the most controversial topics we covered in 2015 was the safety of gadolinium-based contrast agents. In case you missed the Maverinck's column on the current debate, click here.

This letter features only a few of the many articles posted over recent weeks in the MRI Community. Please do check out the rest of our coverage below this message.

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