Young docs under fire; how patients perceive radiology; PACS & ocular health

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Junior doctors can't cope with stress and long hours, and they're obsessed with their smartphones. This is a gross and unfair generalization, of course, but some observers fear younger doctors simply aren't as productive and compassionate as their older colleagues.

After a summer break, the Maverinck is back, and he discusses Generation Y, as the under 30s are known collectively. His frank and honest assessment looks sure to make waves. Click here to read more, and please do post a comment about your own views and experiences in our Forums section.

A new Irish survey has found many patients don't even realize radiologists are medical doctors, and nearly 40% of the sample did not consider that radiologists had a role to play in their care. This underlines the scale of the image problem facing radiology, and suggests urgent action is required. Go to our Women's Imaging Digital Community, or click here.

Eye care is an important quality control and occupational health matter for all radiologists, yet it's not always a top priority it seems. Individual radiologists have a responsibility here, according to a commentary in the British Journal of Radiology. Find out why by going to our PACS Digital Community or by clicking here.

Lack of funding for imaging research will remain problematic until there is greater collaboration, as well as validation and standardization of methods and technologies to support clinical translation, a keynote speaker told attendees at the World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC). Click here to learn more, and visit our Molecular Imaging Digital Community for further news coverage from the WMIC, which ended on Saturday.

Computer-aided detection (CAD) systems continue to show immense promise, but must not replace radiologists or be used for final interpretation, warn French researchers. Get the story here.

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