ESR unveils plans for ECR 2018

The scientific program of ECR 2018 will include special features in hybrid imaging and interventional radiology, new session formats, and a dedicated program for radiographers, according to the European Society of Radiology (ESR).

New sessions at ECR 2018 include My Thesis in 3 Minutes, a format created for residents and young radiologists who would like to present their scientific thesis as a first author. The ESR also said the Sky High Stage, which overlooks the Austria Center and provides a view of Vienna from the top of the nearby Saturn Tower, will be used this year as a presentation location.

Another new format, Coffee & Talk, will debut at ECR 2018 in one of the lounges at Austria Center and will provide an informal atmosphere for short lectures and discussions, the ESR said. Conference planners are also highlighting two new series of educational hands-on workshops. The workshops -- on MRI in the prostate and ultrasound elastography -- will have a maximum of 30 participants; places will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis, according to the society.

Interventional Radiology at the Cube is another new project at ECR 2018 intended to introduce young radiologists to interventional radiology, and to provide enhanced knowledge of the subspecialty to radiologists who need it, according to the ESR. It will feature lectures and hands-on workshops.

The full scientific program can be found on the ECR's website. The ESR said that registration is also now open for the ECR 2018, which will run from 28 February to 4 March in Vienna.

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