Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

Abdominal plain film is a crucial part of the routine workup of patients presenting with acute abdominal pain, particularly in the emergency department, but an abnormal x-ray can be very difficult to interpret.

A group of Spanish radiologists has some practical advice on the common pitfalls encountered in abdominal radiography. They shared their experiences at RSNA 2014. To read more, go to the Digital X-Ray Community, or click here.

A team from Hong Kong has also unveiled some important research concerning digital radiography (DR). They were able to obtain mobile x-ray images in their PACS network 70% sooner using a wireless portable DR unit rather than a mobile x-ray system equipped with computed radiography plates. Get the story here.

Demand for digital x-ray remains consistently high, especially over the winter months, so what can be done if a department faces a backlog of unreported examinations? Our columnist, Dr. Peter Rinck, PhD, has some thoughts on this hot issue. Click here to find out more.

Anybody who's looking to brush up on their x-ray interpretation skills has probably read the profession's "bible," Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology. The joint editor, Dr. Ronald Grainger, died in the autumn, and we've posted an article about his lifetime achievements. Learn more by clicking here.

In lung cancer screening, all the recent talk has been about the use of CT, but the Northern Irish are convinced x-ray still has a role to play in this area. To read about the start of their new pilot project, click here.

For a full list of stories, see below or go to the Digital X-Ray Community. Also, make sure you check back regularly to read the latest coverage.

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