Lung cancer staging advances; catch 'em young; radiology's history man

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Firm evidence about the value of PET/MRI in lung cancer is limited, but it appears the technique may be superior to PET/CT in certain cases, such as lymph node assessment.

An important new study published online on 14 June in European Radiology has highlighted the promise of PET's molecular imaging capabilities and MRI's prowess with tissue discrimination through diffusion-weighted imaging. But the authors admit that MRI still has to provide a reliable and accurate attenuation correction map. Get the story here.

Also in our Molecular Imaging Digital Community you'll find an article about joint Egyptian-German research on PET/CT's increasing value as a tool for detecting and restaging recurrent breast cancer. Click here for more details.

It raised a few eyebrows when the organizers of the U.K. Radiological Congress (UKRC) invited more than 150 school kids to the final day of the meeting, but most of the skeptics seemed to be won over by the pupils' good behavior. This turned out to be a public relations coup for radiology, and one surprise outcome was that the science teachers really appreciated the chance to update their knowledge of radiation. For our report and video, click here.

Many of you seem to enjoy the well-crafted history columns from Dr. Adrian Thomas, and we interviewed him at the UKRC about his love of medical imaging's past. He explains how and why this hobby has turned into an obsession. Go to our Digital X-Ray Community, or click here.

Finally, we have some welcome news from Australia. Researchers from Perth have found that paging referring physicians to tell them their images were available in the PACS dramatically decreased the time between when studies were ready and when they were viewed. Visit our PACS Digital Community, or click here.

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