Week in Review: Week in Review: Kuhl speaks on breast MRI | Radbruch talks MRI contrast safety | Radiographer gets struck off

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

It's hard to believe, but two years have passed since the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) recommended use of MRI for screening in women with extremely dense breasts. Where are we now when it comes to breast MRI? What factors have limited the clinical implementation of MRI for breast cancer screening? And how can the abbreviated technique help?

I put these and other questions to Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuhl, PhD, one of Europe's leading breast radiologists and researchers. Don't miss her astute assessment of the status quo and comments about what the future might hold.

Radiology is mostly about evidence and precision, of course, but it can also be about rumor and intrigue. Over recent months, a succession struggle has been brewing at the Charité in Berlin. Now Prof. Dr. Alex Radbruch, PhD, has broken his silence on the issue. Check out our video interview, which also includes a discussion of patient safety and MRI contrast agents.

Carrying on the safety theme, I'd also urge you to take a look at my interview with Shane Foley, PhD, who has extensive knowledge and experience in patient shielding and the optimization of CT radiation dose.

Also, please do check out our ECR 2024 photo gallery, which includes some dramatic photos of the super-slick opening ceremony, along with photos of some of the personalities and sites that contribute to making the congress such a memorable experience.

Away from ECR, a breaking news story broke this week about a radiographer who was struck off the U.K. register.

In the meantime, I wish you a restful weekend. On Monday, we'll bring you a roundup of our video coverage from ECR 2024, and then on Thursday, we'll reveal our top 10 articles and videos from the congress.

Philip Ward
Editor in Chief

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