Spanish group promotes awareness of pancreatic cancer

2016 10 24 14 20 44 165 Spanish Flag 400

The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) and other associations raised awareness of World Pancreatic Cancer Day on 17 November by highlighting that 9,252 cases of pancreatic cancer were diagnosed in Spain alone in 2021.

Radiology professionals play a key role in the diagnosis and staging of pancreatic cancer, primarily by performing CT procedures, SEOM noted in a press release. Radiology reports based on these exams largely determine how a patient's pancreatic cancer will be managed, since they help clinicians decide whether the cancer can be operated on directly, or if some other type of treatment is needed before the intervention, it pointed out.

The SEOM singled out the Spanish Society of Diagnostic Imaging of the Abdomen (SEDIA) for recognition. This group was established to support specialists in diagnosing pancreatic cancer.

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