U.K. groups agree on novel career path for sonographers

2018 07 27 21 57 8076 Ultrasound Transducer 400

Health Education England (HEE), the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS), and the U.K. Society of Radiographers (SoR) have developed a new career path for sonographers.

The document has two parts: preceptorship guidance to support staff and the capability development framework that demonstrates how a sonographer can transition from a newly qualified sonographer to a consultant sonographer.

"Preceptorship can also be used for those new in post, despite their level of experience, to support their adaptation to the new working environment or those transitioning between roles for example someone starting a consultant sonographer post," the SoR stated in a press release issued on 26 July.

The time needed for preceptorship will vary depending on the nature of the role, for example, an experienced sonographer starting a role in a new department will likely need a shorter preceptorship period than a newly qualified sonographer, the SoR added.

The document is published and available on the BMUS website. The framework will allow clinical staff, newly qualified sonographers, and managers to plan support for preceptors entering the field, changing positions, or developing their competencies.

The SoR was involved in the development as part of the sonographer implementation group.

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