U.K. urges women to train as inventional radiologists

2020 12 04 21 00 5626 Doctor Woman 400

The U.K. Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and the British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR) has published a "myth-busting" guide to encourage more women to train as interventional radiologists.

Only one in 10 consultant interventional radiologists are women (11%), compared with four in 10 consultant diagnostic radiologists (41%), according to the RCR's most recent radiologist census. Possible reasons are exposure to radiation, particularly during reproductive years, and the perceived lack of work-life balance, according to a 2018 survey by the Cardiovascular Interventional Radiological Society of Europe.

To remedy this dearth of women in interventional radiology, the RCR and BSIR made a leaflet called, "Women in Interventional Radiology: Insights into the Subspecialty," which is aimed at interested undergraduates, foundation doctors, and trainee radiologists. In the leaflet, women currently working in the field address topics such as access to flexible training, radiation exposure risks, and working in what has been a traditionally male-dominated medical subspecialty.

"This is a landmark document in terms of providing a clear focus on and for women in [interventional radiology]," said Dr. Rosemina Ahmad, chair of the BSIR Women and Diversity Committee and one of the leaflet's authors.

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