Week in Review: New surge in teleradiology | CT for COVID-19 | AI market growth

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

With new social distancing protocols in place around the world, radiology is employing teleradiology as a useful tool that enables radiologists to stay productive while working from home.

In a new article, a group from outpatient imaging network HT Médica in Spain describes how teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the technology's value beyond radiological interpretation. The team has some words of advice to share, so be sure to give this story a read.

One of our most popular articles for the past week was a story on the shifting opinions regarding the value of CT as a first-line tool for diagnosing COVID-19. The conventional wisdom has been that CT should be avoided in favor of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests. But a new French report questions that advice. The authors believe that the low sensitivity of IVD tests creates an opening for CT in areas where COVID-19 is prevalent.

In other CT news, Austrian researchers presented a study at the European Respiratory Society International Congress on how CT can identify lung damage in COVID-19 patients that may have been missed by lung function tests. Get more stories like this in our CT Community.

Reducing radiation dose continues to be an important concern for radiology professionals. A new study out of Australia describes how a follow-up SPECT/CT scan after radionuclide therapy can be used to personalize the radiation dose delivered.

Meanwhile, F-18 FDG PET/CT can be a useful tool for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis, according to a study presented at the European Society of Cardiology congress. Learn why in a story in our Molecular Imaging Community.

And finally, the global market for artificial intelligence (AI) tools continues to show promise, according to a new analysis from U.K. market research firm Signify Research. The company forecasts the market to reach 1.3 billion euros in sales by 2024, according to an article in our Artificial Intelligence Community.

The Fall 2020 Virtual Conference at our sister site, AuntMinnie.com, is fast approaching on 22-23 September. With the theme of "AI, Enterprise Imaging & Beyond," the program features a stellar lineup of key opinion leaders. Give the program a look today.

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