Week in Review: How AI can jump-start radiology | Chest x-rays through glass | Holloway on Siemens-Varian deal

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The rate of clinical adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) has been slow and steady rather than spectacular over the past couple of years, but the situation might soon change dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Full AI automation is arguably the only way to make medical imaging as safe as possible, wrote Ross Upton, PhD, in a guest editorial. In 2019, Upton was one of Forbes' 30 under 30 in Europe's science and healthcare sector, so as he is a rising star, his opinions are worth noting. Find out more in the Artificial Intelligence Community.

On Tuesday, we tweeted about an Australian hospital's experiences of performing chest x-rays through glass. The response surprised us: 41 retweets and comments and 89 likes. The article -- by medical physicist Zoe Brady, PhD -- was also our most viewed story so far this week. If you missed it, go to the Digital X-Ray Community.

A major industry story broke earlier in the week, when Siemens announced it was buying Varian. Our regular business columnist Steve Holloway has provided his assessment of the deal.

Another popular article was Wednesday's story about the use of ultrasound in Italy during the pandemic. The results of a recent survey are worth checking out in our news report.

Diagnosing hepatic pseudolesions on CT is essential because they often look very similar to primary tumors and metastases of the liver. New work in this area from Romania attracted the interest of the ECR 2020 e-poster judging panel. The quality of the award-winning exhibit from a group in Bucharest also highlights how fast the nation's radiologists are developing. Learn more in the CT Community.

Swedish researchers have been keeping busy too. A team from the Karolinska found that radiologists interpreting mammograms demonstrated a wide range of sensitivity for detecting cancer.

Looking ahead, the virtual conference of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists (SMRT) begins this weekend. Our daily editorial coverage of the event will run from 8 to 14 August. You can reach the RADCast @ ISMRM at radcast.auntminnie.com.

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