Week in Review: What are trainees doing in COVID-19 crisis? | Breast screening set to resume | Swedish study confirms screening's value

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

In a pandemic, the temptation is to concentrate on the emergency in hand and neglect less urgent priorities like training. Thankfully this doesn't appear to be happening in radiology.

Based on the experiences of two trainee radiologists in the U.K., trainees are not being abandoned or left to fend for themselves. They're facing new challenges, such as the threat of redeployment and the need to adapt to a different way of working and studying. But they are still receiving strong support. To read more, go to our Ultrasound Community.

Another ray of hope came on Wednesday, when we revealed that breast screening is due to resume soon in Sweden and Hungary. Hopefully other countries will follow suit over the coming weeks.

While you're visiting the Women's Imaging Community, make sure you check out an important study involving over half a million women in Sweden. The researchers found that mammography screening reduced the risk of dying of breast cancer by 41% within 10 years of diagnosis and also contributed to a 25% reduction in the incidence of advanced breast cancer.

Spectral CT is not a new technology, but it has received renewed attention over recent years because vendors have developed novel spectral imaging tools that they are promoting quite strongly. This means a German study published on Monday by European Radiology is bound to generate considerable interest, particularly because a respected group in Heidelberg headed up by Prof. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor has conducted the research. Don't miss our report.

Earlier this week we posted the Maverinck's analysis of the COVID-19 crisis. Interestingly, he's unearthed a 2007 paper from Hong Kong that stated, "a large reservoir of SARS-CoV-like viruses in horseshoe bats, together with the culture of eating exotic mammals in southern China, is a time bomb."

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