Advanced visualization and image analytics software developer Qmenta is collaborating with groups involved in multiple sclerosis (MS) research on a project to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on people with MS.
Qmenta is working with the Multiple Sclerosis Data Alliance (MSDA) and the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) to collect and centralize data on the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on patients with MS, as well as the effects of MS treatments on COVID-19. Amazon Web Services is also participating in the project.
Researchers will use Qmenta's platform to gather, organize, and share data between collaborators while also ensuring the data is secure and protected, according to the company. Researchers on the project will work with MS patient registries, physicians, and patients to collect
and share data elements that include the diagnosis and severity of COVID-19 in patients, as well as their demographics and MS history and treatment.
Collaborators on the project will then share insights generated from analyzing the dataset with the MS community. The hope is to develop evidence-based guidance on risk factors for COVID-19 infection among MS patients, as well as to guide the care of patients who test positive for COVID-19.
Qmenta is donating its platform to the project.