The need for scientific mobility | Remembering Ian Young | 3D images of knife crime

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Brexit and nationalism may be making headlines, but recent developments underscore more than ever the need for scientific mobility -- the international exchange of ideas and collaboration between science and medicine professionals.

That's according to Dr. Filippo Pesapane, a senior resident radiologist at the University of Milan in Italy. He notes that while the European Union has stated its intention to become one of the world's leading knowledge economies, it still lags the U.S. in this area. Dr. Pesapane has trained at luminary institutions around the world, so his perspectives are worth reading.

European radiology is mourning the loss of Ian Robert Young, PhD, a medical physicist who passed away on 27 September. He was responsible for the development of many MRI pulse sequences that are in use today for clinical body and brain imaging, and he also conducted important early research into MRI of multiple sclerosis. Read a review of his life's work in our MRI Community.

Knife crime is becoming increasingly prevalent in the U.K., unfortunately. This means that healthcare professionals are encountering knife injuries on a more frequent basis and, therefore, need to know how to deal with them. Fortunately, a number of imaging tools are available to help, including multiplanar reconstructions and advanced visualization software. Learn more -- and see some remarkable images of knife injuries -- in our Advanced Visualization Community.

While we're on the subject of advanced visualization, Dutch researchers have been investigating the use of virtual reality and 3D-printed models to classify acetabular fractures prior to surgery.

The Australians seem to have a knack for sports and, in particular, excel at musculoskeletal imaging. Just how do they do it? Find out in a conversation with Dr. David Connell, a musculoskeletal radiologist and the clinical director at the Imaging Olympic Park in Melbourne.

One of the more controversial healthcare stories in the U.K. this past week was the case of London-based pediatric radiologist Dr. Maria Joao Coelho Dos Reis Klusmann, who was accused of fraud by working at private clinics while she was on leave from her post with the National Health Service. Dr. Klusmann was acquitted of the charges, but the case raises questions about the difficulty that many healthcare professionals are having in living comfortably in London without doing private-practice work.

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