Courses in Vienna and Auckland to explore MSK ultrasound

Upcoming training courses to be held in Austria and New Zealand will explore the use of ultrasound for musculoskeletal imaging.

The first course will be held 18-20 December at the Medical University of Vienna in Austria and will deal with advanced musculoskeletal ultrasound, with a focus on the combination of sonography and clinical findings. Areas covered will include hand, elbow, ankle/foot, knee, and shoulder, with a focus on structured explanation of ultrasound pathologies in the context of clinical appearance, examination, and therapy.

The second course will take place 21-23 March 2019 in Auckland, and will cover both advanced ultrasound and MRI. Live demonstrations and hands-on sessions will be held on the first two days.

The events are being organized by course director Dr. Claudia Weidekamm, a professor in the department of radiology at the Medical University of Vienna.

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