MRI Insider

Dear MRI Insider,

The best time to conduct an MRI examination in suspected cases of prostate cancer remains a controversial area. The French Society of Urologists is expected to publish a guideline soon about the indications for prostate MRI, and it's likely to state that MRI should be the first examination in all cases, before biopsy is performed. Current practice in some European countries is very different, however.

It's no surprise this topic came under intense scrutiny at the French national radiology congress, JFR 2018, which wrapped up yesterday. Dr. Olivier Rouvière, PhD, from Hôpital E. Herriot in Lyon, gave an excellent overview of recent research studies and their implications, while other experts presented their views. Click here to find out more.

Optimum use of breast MRI is another hotly disputed field. Dr. Christiane Kuhl has provided an update on abbreviated breast MRI and the EA1141 trial, which is investigating the use of the modality for screening average-risk women with dense breast tissue. The trial closed to accrual a year earlier than anticipated. Get the full details here.

MRI can also be of great value in suspected cases of breast cancer in a lactating woman. Ultrasound is the gold standard, but German researchers have found that MRI can have a role too. For the story, click here.

Another German-led group has used an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to analyze MR images and behavioral data of people at high risk of psychosis or with depression. The team discovered the algorithm was able to predict whether the individuals would need mental therapy. Learn more here.

Meanwhile, at a major congress in Granada, Spain, U.S. investigators have presented details about an AI algorithm that can produce synthetic brain MR images, solving a number of challenges in training AI algorithms. Click here for our news report.

This letter features only some of the numerous articles posted over the past few weeks in the MRI Community. Please scroll through the full list of our coverage below.

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