MRI Insider

Dear MRI Insider,

For patients waiting for the results of an MR scan, it can be an incredibly anxious time. Anything that can be done to shorten their wait is a real bonus for them, as well as for radiology and hospital managers.

Researchers from Plymouth, U.K., have taken a long, hard look at their waiting times for reports following MRI in suspected cases of occult femoral neck fracture. Their audit conducted over three years has identified some marked improvements. Find out more here.

Often, clinicians turn to chest x-ray for diagnosing pulmonary nodules, but Italian radiologists are convinced MRI has a role too. Between 2014 and 2016, a total of 287 consecutive patients in Milan underwent half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE) MRI and chest x-ray for cardiac and noncardiac findings. Click here to get the full details.

You'll also want to read about a bizarre case report involving a patient who had a hard contact lens embedded in her eye for 28 years. For the background and to view some amazing MR images, click here.

Tattoos are getting attention from European regulators right now. They're concerned the materials used for tattooing differ considerably from country to country and are partly toxic or can become toxic over the years. But are tattoos safe for MRI? And how about device implants? U.K. and German researchers have attempted to answer these questions. To learn about their findings, click here.

Participation in quality assurance testing can help the smooth operation of MRI, but invariably it falls short and participation of radiographers can be low, especially compared with nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. Get the full details here.

This letter features only some of the numerous articles posted over the past few weeks in the MRI Community. Please scroll through the full list of our coverage below.

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