Bull-running injuries revealed | Fallout from U.K. breast screening scandal | Why won't Swiss women be screened?

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The medical staff in Pamplona, Spain, must view the second week of July with huge trepidation. They know they will see patients with terrible injuries inflicted by raging bulls, and many doctors and nurses even watch the spectacle on TV so they can find out how these wounds occurred.

At last week's Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) biennial congress, radiologist Dr. Luis Miranda Orella gave a captivating talk about the annual event. For his stunning images and our exclusive report, go to the CT Community, or click here. And for our story about the opening plenary session at SERAM 2018, click here.

The fallout from this month's U.K. breast screening scandal continues. The authors of a correspondence letter published by the Lancet suggest that managers should have spotted the errors much earlier. Learn more in the Women's Imaging Community, or click here.

Breast screening has come under close scrutiny in Switzerland and the Republic of Ireland too. The acceptance rate has reached an all-time low in Switzerland, prompting a lively discussion among observers, including Dr. Gábor Forrai, PhD, president of the European Society of Breast Imaging. Get the full story here.

Meanwhile, the prospect of growing legal costs in the Republic of Ireland's national breast screening program may threaten the ongoing viability of the service. The head of the program has received an increasing number of letters from lawyers representing women whose cancers may have been missed. To find out more, click here.

To improve the visualization of the brain, Belgian researchers have created more comprehensive brain models that simulate neural activity. These models can integrate functional MRI data with the biophysics of the brain to predict function and help determine the optimal surgical approach. Click here for the details.

A meeting took place at the European Parliament last week about Brexit and healthcare. Speakers had a stark warning about the impact on nuclear medicine. Visit the Molecular Imaging Community, or click here.

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