MILabs installs VECTor system in Germany

Preclinical imaging developer MILabs has announced the installation of its VECTor PET/SPECT/optical imaging/CT system at the Technical University of Munich campus in Garching-Munich.

The VECTor system was installed at the chair of pharmaceutical chemistry at the campus and will add to the equipment there under the direction of Dr. Hans-Jurgen Wester. Under Wester, the institute has established a radiopharmaceutical research program that includes tracer development, radiolabeling strategies, and preclinical and clinical assessment of new tracers.

The institute will use the high-resolution PET, SPECT, and optical imaging of the system, combined with CT, to address research topics across multiple modalities and over the entire translational research spectrum. This will include tracer selection and evaluation to clinical research support by the investigation of surgical specimens. The new VECTor system will also help the institute speed up its industrial collaborations.

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