Advanced Visualization Insider

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A sprain or tear to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most common knee injuries, and techniques for repairing the injury are continuously being refined, if not replaced. Recent advancements in 3D printing may provide clinicians with an alternative method for preoperative visualization and planning of ACL reconstruction.

Examining 3D-printed models of the knee, Italian researchers were able to measure key structures and estimate graft length for ACL surgery using the Marcacci technique. Find out how accurate these calculations were compared with standard measurements on multiplanar reconstruction MRI scans by clicking here.

The lifelike quality of MRI and CT scans reconstructed with a cinematic rendering technique can help clarify complex anatomy for clinicians. But what will it take to integrate cinematic rendering into routine clinical practice? Discover what experts in the field had to say in a British Institute of Radiology (BIR) podcast.

Computer-aided detection (CAD) has proved valuable for detecting cancer on imaging studies. A team of investigators from Scotland and the Netherlands used CAD and a radiology review to exclude lung cancer on thoracic CT and also reduce the cost of screening. Additionally, a group from Hungary used CAD to improve cancer detection but, in this case, in conjunction with a deep-learning algorithm capable of identifying and characterizing lesions on mammography studies.

In an award-winning presentation at ECR 2018, French researchers outlined how their XAware-Live augmented reality software can provide real-time visual feedback about radiation exposure from an x-ray device. Click here to read about how the technology works and the various ways in which it may help increase dose awareness.

Due in part to these and similar developments in the field, advanced visualization vendors have begun organizing themselves into two key categories: platform vendors focused on interoperability and integration, and tool vendors centered on offering image analysis and visualization software. Learn more about this growing split between tools and platforms by clicking here.

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