How to avoid getting sued | Swiss unveil data on breast screening | Update on hybrid imaging

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Compared with obstetricians, gynecologists, and surgeons, negligence claims involving radiologists are rare. But in today's increasingly legalistic society, the sad reality is the prospect of getting sued is a growing consideration for the entire medical imaging community.

Today we've posted an exclusive and original article written by two lawyers with extensive experience of claims made against radiologists. They've looked closely at the causes of these claims and provided some details about three anonymized cases. They also have suggestions about how to prevent getting embroiled in a court case. Go to the CT Community, or click here.

The Swiss were active participants at ECR 2018 -- nobody will forget the shivering diners who braved the elements to sample the street food in the Swiss Village. Now, Swiss researchers have released some new data about breast screening in the country, and the results contain a few surprises. Learn more in the Women's Imaging Community, or by clicking here.

Meanwhile, the authors of another study from Switzerland found that both PET/MRI and PET/CT perform admirably in the initial staging of breast cancer patients. There are, however, subtle nuances between the hybrid modalities, of which it's essential to be aware. Visit our Molecular Imaging Community, or click here.

Also at ECR 2018 were Ukrainian researchers who reported on how certain quantitative PET parameters can help clinicians predict treatment outcomes for patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Preliminary results show how parameters such as metabolic tumor volume and mean standardized uptake values can predict which patients will enjoy event-free survival. Get the full story here.

While the combination of PET and MRI has shown promise for detecting and characterizing some forms of cancer, the hybrid modality does not match the accuracy of invasive sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma patients, according to this presentation at ECR 2018 from German researchers.

Last but not least, researchers from Madrid have given a master class in how to conduct elbow MRI examinations, and they won a prestigious magna cum laude award for their efforts. To find out more, click here.

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