Incorrect diagnoses spark review of 46K scans in Ireland

Three patients in the Republic of Ireland were given an incorrect diagnosis by a consultant radiologist, prompting a review of 46,000 x-rays, ultrasound exams, and CT scans.

The radiologist worked at University Hospital Kerry from March 2016 to July of this year, before resigning in October.

The radiologist cleared one patient after a scan in June, but when re-examined in July, the patient showed signs of a serious illness. The same happened to two more patients, which sparked concern about the accuracy of the radiologist's interpretations. An investigation was approved on 30 August, according to a report in the Irish newspaper the Herald.

Now, every scan the radiologist examined is under review. So far, a team of six independent radiologists has reviewed 18,000 scans, and 21 patients have been recalled for a recheck.

"None of the recalled patients have required any further follow-up or treatment," according to a hospital spokesperson.

The backlog means it will be another eight to 10 weeks before all the patients know whether they require another scan. Only those patients who need to be re-examined will be contacted, the Herald reported.

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