Karolinska promotes digital technology for better care

Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden is challenging its colleagues in the European Union (EU) to develop more digital technologies to improve patient care outcomes.

Through the EU-financed Live Incite project, Karolinska University Hospital is promoting the creation of new digital tools to help patients make lifestyle changes prior to surgery and reduce the risk of subsequent complications.

Live Incite is part of the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, which is designed in part to promote better lifestyles for Europeans. One example is to stop smoking six to eight weeks before surgery to reduce the risk of complications by 50%.

It has been proved that there is a much greater chance of patients doing well if they stop smoking prior to surgery, said David Konrad, head of perioperative medicine and intensive care at Karolinska University Hospital.

The challenge is to create support that provides the patients with enough motivation to change and maintain a lifestyle that reduces the risk of complications and mortality following surgery.

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