MRI Insider

Dear MRI Insider,

As the imaging community eagerly awaits the European Medicines Agency's investigation into the risk of gadolinium deposition in brain tissue of patients undergoing contrast-enhanced MRI, the results of preclinical studies into the topic have generated much attention over recent months.

The latest of them comes from Germany, and it was published online by European Radiology on 10 November. To get the full details, click here.

Functional MRI research has received substantial funding over the past two decades or more, but do these investments represent good value for money? In his latest column, Dr. Peter Rinck, PhD, voices deep concerns that progress has been nothing like as rapid as anticipated. Given his close involvement in MRI since the early days, he's worth listening to. Click here to read more.

The use of contrast agents in MR mammography also has come under close scrutiny. A group from the Charité in Berlin unveiled the results of a study involving more than 1,500 examinations. Click here for the key findings.

Whenever we think of breast MRI, the chances are that the name of Dr. Christiane Kuhl in Aachen, Germany, will come to mind. In a thought-provoking interview, she's outlined her main research goals and thoughts on the future direction of MRI. Learn more here.

Also, the European Society of Urogenital Radiology has updated its guidance on MRI of sonographically indeterminate adnexal masses, integrating functional techniques. Click here for the full story.

This letter features only a few of the many articles posted during the past few weeks in the MRI Community. Please scroll through the rest of our coverage below this message.

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