IBA launches proton therapy research platform

Proton therapy technology developer Ion Beam Applications (IBA) has launched an online platform to develop research open-source software with experts in the adaptive proton therapy community.

IBA's Leading the PATh platform will enable medical professionals worldwide to create the most efficient adaptive therapy, a proton therapy process that improves the accuracy of the most precise cancer treatment available, according to the company.

Accessible through a website, the platform will enable a variety of experts, including physicians, physicists, academics, researchers, industry experts, patient association advocates, and policymakers, to exchange experiences, discuss practices, and enhance knowledge to hone the next generation of proton therapy treatment, the company said.

This platform also includes access to a research software platform in the form of software to be distributed under an open-source license to foster creativity and innovation in the proton therapy community, according to IBA. Users will also be invited to access and test a software application that offers a new example of proton adaptive workflow.

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