IBA treats 1st patient with ProteusOne in Europe

Proton therapy technology developer Ion Beam Applications (IBA) has announced that the first patient has been treated with its ProteusOne system at the Centre Antoine Lacassagne in Nice, France.

This is the first proton therapy center in Europe to bring IBA's compact proton therapy system, equipped with IBA's superconducting accelerator, into active clinical use, the firm said. Additional centers in the U.K. and Belgium are scheduled to follow in 2018.

The ProteusOne system was developed by IBA to increase worldwide access to proton therapy. It's smaller than existing standard proton systems, making it more affordable and, therefore, more accessible to clinical institutions. It incorporates the latest in proton therapy technology, including intensity-modulated proton therapy and the optional cone-beam CT.

To date, 14 ProteusOne systems have been sold worldwide in the U.S., France, the U.K., Belgium, Japan, and Taiwan, with centers operational in Nice, France, and Shreveport, Louisiana, U.S.

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