RCR unveils 10-year training strategy

The U.K. Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has proposed a plan to train radiologists and grow the profession over the next 10 years.

With only 4.8 radiologists per 100,000 people in the U.K., the RCR stated that current radiology training strategies are "too stretched" to meet the demand, especially given complex image interpretations that only radiologists can perform.

The RCR proposes increasing the U.K. radiology workforce to eight full-time clinical radiologists per 100,000 people, which would mirror the current level in some parts of mainland Europe.

The plan is to build upon the Radiology Integrated Training Initiative (R-ITI) and three radiology academies, which were created in 2002 with the U.K. Department of Health.

The RCR's 2016 model would enhance training through e-learning, tutorials, webinars, online lectures, simulation, and other educational options.

By doing so, the RCR believes it can rapidly increase the number of trained radiologists, advance multiprofessional education and training, and support a network of service delivery.

To download the document for free from the RCR website, click here.

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