CT Insider

Dear CT Insider,

When interpreting chest CT examinations commonly encountered in daily practice, numerous pitfalls await. It's vital to remain vigilant and be aware of these pitfalls, according to a group of French radiologists.

In their award-winning research, they have nine practical tips on how to minimize errors in chest CT. To get them, click here.

CT is important for the detailed assessment of osseous injuries resulting from mountain bike accidents, an international team has found. The investigators sought to illustrate the types and mechanisms of musculoskeletal injuries of the neck, torso, and extremities sustained by mountain bikers and to highlight the value of multimodality imaging in clinical management. Click here to learn more.

As last November's Paris bombings highlighted, CT plays a crucial role in mass casualty incidents. German authors have concluded that locating the scanner as close as possible to the emergency room and implementing an effective triage system can make a substantial difference in such incidents. To read more, click here.

Emerging healthcare offerings that make use of CT -- mobile stroke units and spectral CT -- occupied two spots in a respected list of trends to watch in 2016. Get the full story here.

In new analysis of radiology-related litigation cases in the U.K, CT accounted for 25% of settled claims in the National Health Service. The total claim costs over the 20-year period were nearly 15.6 million pounds (20.4 million euros). For more details, click here.

This letter outlines just a few of the many articles posted recently in your CT Community. For the full lineup, please check out the listing below.

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