U.K. issues guidance on acute care; update on MRI of ovarian cancer; Arab Health looms large

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Acute care diagnostic radiology is not an isolated service and must be delivered as part of a broader strategy for seven-day acute care services. That's a central message of the significant new guidelines from the U.K. Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), which also stresses the need to avoid fatigue.

The 14-page RCR document is free to download and is essential reading for anybody involved in acute care. To find out more, click here.

Radiologists should be aware of the wide range of MRI features of ovarian lesions, and to diagnose this complex condition, they must regularly update their knowledge levels, Italian researchers explain in a comprehensive overview published last week. Go to our MRI Community, or click here.

Europeans are playing an increasing role in the delivery of medical imaging in the Middle East, so it's no great surprise that European speakers feature prominently in next month's Total Radiology conference, to be held at the huge Arab Health show in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Contributing writer Inga Stevens has put together a preview of the event, and you can read it here.

Shear-wave elastography provides an objective, quantitative assessment of tendon integrity and might be useful to guide treatment and develop new therapeutic approaches for tendinopathy, German researchers reported at RSNA 2015 in Chicago. Click here to learn more.

Also, don't miss our topical article about the Christmas spirit. Danish researchers found that specific areas of the brain light up on functional MRI scans when people who celebrate the holiday viewed Christmas-related imagery. Get the full story here.

Our editorial team will still be working over the festive period, so please do make sure you check back for new Cases of the Week and for further news reports from around the world. On behalf of everybody at AuntMinnieEurope.com, I wish you all the very best for the season.

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