Radiology's online identity crisis; Neelam Dugar on home reporting; Dutch breast-screening data

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Most of us know we really should make better use of social media, both professionally and personally. But working out a clear and coherent strategy isn't an easy task.

To help you, our editorial advisory board member Dr. Erik Ranschaert has put together some practical tips. He has extensive experience of this area, and knows what he's talking about. Find out more in our Healthcare Informatics Community, or click here.

Home reporting is a controversial issue at present, as shown by the lively debate at this year's U.K. Radiological Congress. Dr. Neelam Dugar is a keen supporter of reporting scans at home, and she's convinced healthcare providers can also benefit from flexible working arrangements and should do more to facilitate them. To read her column, click here.

When it comes to breast cancer screening, the Dutch have a fine track record, so the publication of this week's new study involving nearly 174,000 women is bound to generate considerable interest. Go to our Women's Imaging Community, or click here.

The judges at the 2015 annual meeting of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging in Barcelona were so impressed by Dr. Lucia Flors Blasco's CT study of severe emphysema that they gave her a prestigious cum laude award. Get the full story here.

Magnetic resonance targeting uses the pulsed magnetic field gradients generated by an MRI scanner to guide cells containing ferromagnetic particles to reach tumor sites in deep tissues that are normally inaccessible. A U.K./U.S. research project is bearing fruit, and you can learn more about the technique in our MRI Community or by clicking here.

Finally, don't miss our Case of the Week from musculoskeletal radiologists at London's Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. The case involves a 14-year-old girl with a three-year history of right knee pain and instability. Click here to test yourself.

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