ESR brings in new council members

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) has filled a number of positions on its Executive Council.

Dr. Bernd Hamm from Berlin has become the first vice chairperson of the ECR, and Dr. Katrine Åhlström Riklund, from Umea, Sweden, has become the second vice chairperson.

Dr. Luis Donoso from Barcelona, Spain, was elected second vice president of the ESR and also takes on the role of Strategic Review Committee chairperson. Filling Donoso's previous position of National Societies Committee chairperson is Dr. Deniz Akata, from Ankara, Turkey, the ESR said.

Interim Professional Organization Committee Chairperson Dr. E. Jane Adam, from London, has stepped up from chairing the Subcommittee on Audit and Standards, and takes the place of Dr. Yves Menu, from Paris, who has vacated his position on the Executive Council to take on the position of scientific director of the European Board of Radiology.

Also, Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor from Heidelberg, Germany, has moved into the role of Research Committee chairperson.

The annual changes in presidency also have taken place, with Dr. Guy Frija from Paris taking over for Dr. Gabriel Krestin for ESR and Dr. Valentin Sinitsyn from Moscow taking over for Dr. José Bilbao for ECR.

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