IAEA creates database to record R/F incidents

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has established an international database to report high radiation exposure incidents and adverse events relating to fluoroscopically guided diagnostic and interventional procedures.

The Safety in Radiological Procedures (SAFRAD) database is sponsored by IAEA's Radiation Protection of Patients (RPOP) unit. It is an initiative to motivate radiologists to voluntarily report possible or confirmed patient injuries that result from radiation exposure during these procedures. The database collects a patient's dose report and other relevant data.

Incidents in which patients receive more than 2 Gy of radiation to the skin should be reported to the database and followed for any possible radiation-induced effects. Up to 5% of patients who have fluoroscopy and/or interventional procedures may be exposed to this radiation level, according to preliminary data cited by RPOP.

Data furnished by hospitals and regulatory agencies will be accessible to them at all times. IAEA intends to publish summary reports of SAFRAD data periodically.

Detailed information about the program, including registration to participate, can be accessed here.

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