Siemens to sell Microsoft HealthVault in Germany

Microsoft and Siemens have signed an agreement giving Siemens the right to sell Microsoft's HealthVault personal health record platform in Germany. The agreement represents HealthVault's first introduction to the European market.

Siemens, through its Siemens IT Solutions and Services division in Mannheim, will market the platform to developers, applications providers, and device manufacturers, who will be encouraged to join the service and provide individuals with tools that they can use with it. Siemens, the parent company of Siemens Healthcare of Erlangen, will host all stored health data in security-enhanced data centers in Germany.

HealthVault is a personal health application platform that enables individuals to store, share, and manage their health information online, and it will make this information accessible online to healthcare providers.

Microsoft, with headquarters in Redmond, WA, initially launched HealthVault in the U.S. in 2007.

Related Reading

U.S. electronic health record standards agreed, June 26, 2008

Microsoft; Kaiser in health data swap pilot: report, June 10, 2008

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