Siemens replaces Healthcare CEO

German industrial giant Siemens has appointed Hermann Requardt as CEO of its Siemens Healthcare division, replacing Jim Reid-Anderson, who is stepping down for personal reasons after seven months in the job.

Siemens said that Reid-Anderson was resigning after telling the company's managing board that having his family life centered in the U.S. and his official function in Erlangen, Germany, "was not compatible over the longer term."

Reid-Anderson had replaced longtime Siemens Healthcare head Erich Reinhardt, who resigned in April 2008 following the discovery of a fund to pay for bribes for foreign contracts. Reinhardt was not believed to have been involved in the fund.

The division's new CEO, Requardt, has been the firm's chief technical officer (CTO) and head of the company's corporate technology department; he will retain both positions. He joined Siemens in 1984 and was named CTO and a member of the managing board in 2006.

In related news, Siemens appointed Michael Sen as the new chief financial officer (CFO) of the healthcare division. Sen has headed the company's investor relations division since October 2007. The division's previous CFO, Klaus Stegemann, is taking over another position in operations at Siemens.

Related Reading

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