1,000th scan performed in Rio | Lung screening's impact | Maverinck on newspeak

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The polyclinic in the Olympic Village at Rio 2016 has certainly been a busy place since the games began. Preliminary data confirm that MRI is by far the dominant modality when it comes to elite sport, accounting for more than 60% of investigations carried out to date. Also, nearly 20% of scans focused on the knee.

To get the inside track on Rio 2016, go to our MRI Community, or click here.

Lung cancer screening continues to arouse controversy and divide opinion, and new information about the long-term effects of low-dose CT examinations in the U.K. Lung Cancer Screening trial, which has been published in Thorax, is bound to generate considerable interest. We have original comments from lead author Kate Brain, based at Cardiff University. Visit the CT Community, or click here.

Meanwhile, the Maverinck has tackled the thorny issue of language, including what he calls "newspeak" in radiology, in his latest column, and you won't want to miss it. Click here to read more.

What do you know about radiology in Malta? The country tends not to get much coverage, but we've posted an article about it in our Women's Imaging Community. For the full story, click here.

Any new study originating from the highly respected Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, deserves close scrutiny. Researchers from the facility have looked at how convolutional neural networks trained on a large dataset of mammographic lesions outperformed a conventional mammography computer-aided detection scheme. Find out more in the Advanced Visualization Community, or by clicking here.

Finally, Dr. Mikhail Liubchak and Dr. Valentyn Sinitsyn have contributed a new case about a 60-year-old woman with a gradually progressing speech disorder. Test yourself here.

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