8 ways to win turf battles | Strickland on workforce issues | Breast MRI's progress

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Turf battles are an everyday clinical reality in many hospitals, and radiologists and radiographers often can get drawn into them. But these battles can be avoided, or at least their effect can be minimized, according to Dr. Christian Loewe from the Medical University of Vienna.

At ECR 2017, he gave some practical tips on how to handle turf battles, and you can get them here. Also, don't miss our ECR 2017 video interview on this topic with the well-known French interventional radiologist Dr. Afshin Gangi. Click here to view it.

Dr. Nicola Strickland has had a baptism of fire since she became president of the U.K. Royal College of Radiologists last year. Staff shortages were acute even before Brexit, but the situation is even more serious now, she writes. To get her latest assessment, click here.

Breast MRI was a hot topic at ECR 2017. Plenty of new research studies are appearing, but its clinical implementation still seems painfully slow. Market analyst Stephen Holloway has looked into this subject, and for his assessment, you can click here.

ECR 2017 began with a surprise from a top German radiologist when Dr. Max Reiser revealed he was stepping down from European Radiology. It ended on Sunday with another shock from Germany, when Dr. Bernd Hamm was unveiled as the president of ECR 2018, even though he presided over the 2015 edition. To find out why he's returning and what his plans are for the next meeting, click here.

Last but not least, delegates who stayed for the final day of ECR 2017 were rewarded with some fine sessions, particularly one about stroke. A group from Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, presented some important research findings. Click here to learn more.

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