The largest private imaging network in France, VIDI, is collaborating closely with public hospitals to ensure continued radiology services for the neediest patients during the COVID-19 crisis, according to a statement released on 20 March.
The group, which comprises 830 radiologists and 46 imaging centers across the country, noted that it had applied measures to protect staff and patients and postponed nonurgent exams to prioritize emergency, cardiovascular, neurological, and cancer imaging.
Private and public radiologists are mobilizing to respond to what French President Emmanuel Macron has described as a "war," the statement noted. In Reims, VIDI clinics have treated the first intensive care cases, while a hospital imaging unit has been opened for the group's COVID-19 patients not requiring intensive care. The network points to a sense of solidarity and collaboration between the private and public imaging sectors.
In the Île-de-France region, some VIDI centers have closed in line with governmental measures taken when protection for personnel and patients cannot be ensured. However, the group pointed out that these closures have freed up private radiologists to assist public imaging departments through teleradiology and in person, when necessary. The group further stressed that its radiologists are ready to be involved in any "Imaging Plan," whenever one is deployed.
Meanwhile, the French Society of Radiology (SFR) is continually updating its advice to members via the special section of its website. On 23 March, SFR posted guidance on the management of COVID-19 patients suspected of having pulmonary involvement, and on 22 March it issued advice on nonurgent examinations.