France's national union of independent radiologists has stepped up its criticism of the government's national medical insurance fund for salaried workers.
The Fédération Nationale de Médecins Radiologues (FNMR) again is accusing the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie (CNAMTS) of hurting radiology reimbursement through article 99 of the 2017 Social Security Budget Law.
In September 2017, the FNMR issued a similar statement in which the union alleged CNAMTS proposed to reduce payments for technical acts by 10% in each of the next two years. The reduction would mean the loss of 76 million euros for French radiologists.
The union stated the proposal will create longer waiting times, reduce imaging investment, and lead to the closure of imaging centers.
"The insurance fund's accountants are behaving like official liquidators, except that it is the health of the French population that they are liquidating year after year," said Dr. Jean-Philippe Masson, FNMR president. "We are now at the point of no return."