RCR highlights importance of peer feedback

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has released a new publication that shares how radiologists can benefit by receiving supportive feedback from their peers.

The document, titled "Lifelong learning and building teams using peer feedback," explains how time-efficient and pertinent feedback on previously reported images can be facilitated using optimized information technology, according to the RCR. The publication also focuses on the human factors and team-building potential of peer feedback.

"This publication is about the fun, information, and personal improvement that can be gained from such feedback, each working day," wrote RCR Vice President Dr. Richard FitzGerald in the publication's foreword. "In time this should become as natural as reviewing previous imaging and reports."

The new document can be downloaded for free from the RCR's website. It replaces the RCR's 2014 publication, "Quality assurance in radiology reporting: peer feedback."

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