TeamBest debuts new line of cyclotrons

TeamBest company members Best Cyclotron Systems and Best Theratronics have introduced a new family of cyclotrons that produce isotopes for research, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications.

Six of the cyclotrons -- the Best 15-, 20-, 25-, 30-, 35-, and 70-MeV proton cyclotrons -- can use multiple beam lines to produce single particles, according to the firms. The companies said they are also developing a Best 35-MeV multiparticle and multibeam cyclotron for the production of alpha, deuterons, and protons.

All of the cyclotrons can operate at a 1,000-ยตA current or higher for proton beams and can be a potential neutron source for select medical radioisotopes used in research, diagnosis, and therapy, according to the vendors.

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